Ms. Gabby's Daycare

Ms. Gabby's Daycare

Feb 3, 2010

A 2009 Christmas Letter I Received From A Parent...

Dear Gabby or “Ms Gabby”

So much takes place in your home and ours on a daily basis that we now see as parents just how fast time really goes.

I do believe it was a year ago September that Dalton started with you. Correct me if I am wrong!

Things that you have done for my son in just ONE year are astonishing! (Here come the tears)

Within first week was he out of his pack n play sleeping with the big kids on a cot. (Tears, he was an instant big boy here)

He knows his:






A Lunch prayer

A pick up toys song

His manners are outstanding!!! All THANKS to you!!!

MY #1 FAVORITE: YOU POTTY TRAINED HIM!! I did nothing at home on my part because you made it so easy!

He knows Spanish: Counts to Ten, says “Hi, My name is Dalton” in Spanish

His speech is really impressive for a 3 year old (I think and have been told)

He is all about sharing at home

Art/craft projects

The field trips are endless!

Jess is the best Barber ever!

(I am certain I have left out something)


I know he receives tons of kisses and hugs all day from you and your family.

I  was really nervous when my sister took maternity leave for my niece. It was a hard thing to say goodbye to my sister who had cared for him for so long. It was super tough, but you made the transistion much easier for this FIRST time Mom. Dalton is challenged, taught and loved so much in the Wyatt home! We all know that Moms do their best they know how with their children and I think I have managed at least that. Yet, there is something about taking him to your house every morning and driving away with not a worry in the world. Some parents outside of your daycare don’t get that worry free work day. I have heard their stories.
Thank you Gabby, Jess, Brookie, Alexia and Mason for all you have done and all that you continue to do for our little man!
Merry Christmas

Love Russ, Tracy Austin and Dalton aka Bubba

1 comment:

  1. I second that! You are second home to Huston and I appreciate you dearly. He was completely ready for school and good at social interaction. I know you love him and so does he. Thanks Gabby!
